Are You Singing the Toothache Blues?
Are you or a loved one suffering from the toothache blues? Don’t wait around in pain for the problem to resolve itself. Although we do enjoy spending quality time with our patients at Cypress Springs Family Dentistry, we don’t want … Continued
5 Natural Ways to Sleep Better
We think fondly of it, we all want it – why is it so hard to find? We’re talking about sleep, of course. A poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that 60% of adults report having trouble sleeping almost … Continued
The Importance of Dental X-Rays
The technology of dental medicine is advancing by the minute. There are now sophisticated techniques for diagnosing and tracking oral cancer, correcting crooked teeth in less than a year, treating periodontitis (advanced gum disease) without surgery, and much more. Yet, … Continued
Oral Cancer – Protection & Early Detection
Cancer is always a scary word—but it doesn’t have to be the last word. Equipped with good information and the best doctors, you can feel empowered to navigate whatever stands before you or your loved one. Oral cancer is common, … Continued
Stop Brushing After You Eat – Do This Instead
For a long time, we’ve been told to brush our teeth right after we eat, but conventional wisdom might be changing on that. Thanks to your mouth’s powerful and natural ability to clean itself, rinsing with water might actually be … Continued
The Good, The Bad & The Crossbite
If your teeth or jaw don’t line up well with each other, you may have crossbite. Dr. Todd, Cypress dentist explains more about this condition, its effects and what you can do to treat it below. A Good Bite In … Continued
Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing
There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds … Continued
Teaching Your Kids to Brush and Floss
As a parent, you will have numerous opportunities to teach your children valuable skills and each one will yield priceless memories. Your child’s first step, your child’s first word, your child’s first bike ride, your child’s first unassisted brushing and … Continued
Professional Dental Cleanings Make a Big Difference
You’ve been hearing it for years – “make sure to visit Dr. Todd twice a year for your regular cleanings.” Just in case you’ve ever wondered why regular dental cleanings are so important, we at Cypress Springs Family Dentistry would … Continued
5 Common Dental Myths: Fact or Fiction?
When it comes to ridiculous beliefs on dental hygiene and treatment, we’ve heard just about everything. However, the most dangerous ones usually aren’t quite so over the top. Unfortunately, a number of dental myths are floating all over Cypress, so … Continued